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Implant Placement

  • We use dissolvable stitches that will stay in for approximately 7-10 days. (unless you are advised differently)
  • Bite on gauze to keep pressure on the area for one hour.
  • There may be a feeling of numbness caused by the surgery that lingers for a short time.
  • Keep fingers and tongue away from the implant site to reduce contamination of bacteria.
  • You may be given prescriptions which should be filled and started immediately:
  • Perichlor (mouth rinse) to control any potential infection. Take medication as directed until it is gone.
  • Pain relieving medication to control discomfort. Take this medication only until you do not need it anymore.
  • We recommend, as soon as possible, to apply frozen items (peas, corn, or soft vegetables) wrapped in a thin towel and place on the outside of your face for 20 minute intervals over the site where implant was placed. This reduces swelling and bruising in the area, however, some swelling and bruising may remain for a few days.
  • Eat and drink only soft foods for a few days and try to eat on the opposite side of your mouth that has not been treated. The less force you put on the implant area for the next several days, the better and faster the healing. Over 95% of implants are accepted well by the body.

If an implant crown is necessary for your treatment plan, it is typically placed three-six months after implant placement. It is important for implant longevity to keep the gums around the implant healthy. Ensure to floss and brush the area daily to prevent periodontal disease.