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Complete Dentures

Now that you have received your new dentures, what can you expect from them? Your mouth is an ever-changing, soft environment and your dentures are relatively hard and unyielding. Consequently, it will take a short period of time to adapt to them. To function comfortably and to keep your mouth healthy, here are some suggestions.


  • It will take time before you can eat food as you did with your natural teeth. Try to avoid eating solid food until you are confidently able to swallow and talk with them.
  • Introduce small amounts of soft food first, and be aware that food will require more preparation now with your knife and fork before chewing.


  • Keep dentures out overnight to allow natural tissues time to breath.
  • Store dentures in water at all times to prevent distortion or drying. You may use a solution (like polident overnight tablets) to prevent bacterial build up, followed by brushing gently with a soft toothbrush. Try to avoid toothpaste, as it may be abrasive and scratch the denture surface.
  • Use a toothbrush to massage the gums when dentures are out to stimulate bloodflow and remove bacterial build up.

Maintaining the fit:

  • Due to your mouth being an ever changing environment, adjustments will be necessary to ensure the fit stays snug and prevent rocking.
  • The fit and bite should be checked one time per year, which may include minor bite alterations and relining to prolong the life.



  • Saliva- an increase in saliva flow will occur, and will resume to normal in about 6-8 weeks.
  • Sore spots- minor irritations are very common as the tissues adjust to the denture. When sore spots occur, take the dentures out of your mouth, and put them back into your mouth 24 hours before your appointment for adjustment.
  • Gagging- this is rarely a problem, and if occurs it freqently goes away quickly. If the problem persists ensure to contact your dental office.
  • Talking- certain words may feel awkard to pronounce, but with practice you will quickly adapt. Try reading aloud to yourself to speed up the adaption.